2024 Key Performance Indicators

As a publicly funded institution, FVRLibraries exists to serve our public. We use statistical data to track activity, ensure our users' needs are met, and help visualize future plans and improvements. In an effort to be transparent about this data, we offer up the following quarterly snapshots. See how FVRLibraries worked for you in the second quarter of 2024!


Icon of individual with stack of physical books

Total checkouts for Q2 were 829,799

Icon of a shelf of physical books

Physical: 396,816 (47.8%)

Icon of a digital tablet with the download symbol on it

Digital: 432,983 (52.2%)

Network Use

Icon of a line of dots all connected to a globe in a network

Total network users for Q2 were 144,337

Icon for Wi-Fi

Via Wi-Fi: 107,414 (74.4%)

Icon of a computer screen with a clock face on it

On Computer: 36,923 (25.6%)

Web Visitors

Icon of people in front of a web page

Total pageviews in Q2 were 2,241,355

Icon of a computer monitor with a person on it

Website views: 482,159 (21.5%)

Icon of a catalog with a person on it

Catalog views: 1,759,196 (78.5%)

Icon of a digital phone with a person on it

App views: N/A


Icon of a leader talking to a group

We offered 1,368 programs in Q2, with 23,931 attendees

Icon of a building with a flag on it

Onsite: 1,130, with 21,180 attendees

Icon of a tent

Offsite: 70, with 1,455 attendees

Icon of a laptop with people in boxes on the screen

Virtual: 168, with 1,296 attendees