

Read this month's Vroom tip to help your early learner's growing brain learn to process stress!
Our Book Beat columnist takes a look at how to be careful consumers of news.
Our librarian columnist seeks out books in series, because no one wants to read just one.
by Vancouver Business Journal for the Woodland Community Library building project

Don't miss

Want to read banned and challenged books? Find the top ten most challenged books of 2023 and lists of the top 100 challenged titles of the past by decade.

Woodland Community Library opens on October 12  with a celebration beginning at 10 am with a ribbon cutting, tours, musical entertainment, kids activities, and refreshments until 2 pm.

The Blind Woodsman chronicles the story of how John Furniss overcame blindness and addiction to become a master woodworker.

Laura Dave will be the keynote speaker at the 22nd Authors & Illustrators Dinner and Auction on October 17 at the Vancouver Hilton. Tickets are on sale now.