Check it Out: Blue Moon

Submitted by J. Johnston on

Did you know that a Super Blue Moon is supposed to happen on August 30? Will it really be blue? That might be super cool, but the term “Blue Moon” doesn’t refer to the moon’s color. A Blue Moon refers to the occurrence of two full moons during one calendar month. This August’s Super Blue Moon means that it will be one of the biggest and brightest moons of 2023, which makes it not just Super but rare. I don’t know if it will be visible in our area because, as I write this column, clouds and rain are in the forecast for August 30.

By the time you read this column, the Super Blue Moon event will be over, but learning more about the moon can happen anytime. And remember: going to the library and checking out books doesn’t have to happen once in a blue moon.



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Jan Johnston, Collection Manager  
Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries  
You can email Jan at