FAQs Getting started How do I borrow eBooks or eAudiobooks from the FVRL catalog? How do I send library eBooks to my Kindle or Kindle app? How do I download my eBook or eAudiobook? How do I send eBooks to my eReader (not a tablet)? Audiobook help How do I renew eBooks and eAudiobooks? How do I return eBooks or eAudiobooks? My OverDrive audiobook has supplementary content. How do I download and read it? What is happening with the OverDrive app? My car doesn't have Bluetooth capabilities. How can I listen to eAudiobooks while driving? How do I use the Libby app for OverDrive? What if the Libby app won't play my whole audiobook? The audiobook I want to download is .odm. How do I make it MP3? OverDrive help I just got a new library account number and/or PIN. Does that affect my eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMedia? I accidentally picked the wrong eBook format—what do I do? My OverDrive book won't download to my device. What can I do? How do I update my email address in OverDrive or the Libby app? OverDrive says there is something wrong with my library card. What do I do? Why am I getting an "Error! Unrecognized checkout type: (undefined)" error message when I try to check out an eBook? Why did my eBook/eAudiobook expire today when it said I had "one day left"? Libby and OverDrive app help What are the accessibility options for OverDrive and Libby? What is happening with the OverDrive app? How do I update my account number in Libby? How do I use the Libby app for OverDrive? How do I clear the cache in the OverDrive app? What if the Libby app won't play my whole audiobook? Libby app help I just got a new library account number and/or PIN. Does that affect my eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMedia? How do I return eBooks or eAudiobooks? How do I renew eBooks and eAudiobooks? How do I use the Libby app for OverDrive? What are the accessibility options for OverDrive and Libby? I accidentally picked the wrong eBook format—what do I do? How do I download my eBook or eAudiobook? Why do I have two library cards in Libby? How do I update my email address in OverDrive or the Libby app? My OverDrive audiobook has supplementary content. How do I download and read it? My OverDrive book won't download to my device. What can I do? What is happening with the OverDrive app? How do I update my account number in Libby? What if the Libby app won't play my whole audiobook? Why did my eBook/eAudiobook expire today when it said I had "one day left"? Other technology Can I send a fax at the library? How do I get started with Zoom?