Listen to music for free with your library card!
- Stream up to 5 hours of music per day.
- Download up to 5 songs in MP3 format per week. They are yours to keep.
- Enjoy 2 music videos per week.
Have questions? Read the Freegal FAQs.
(Los recursos para hispanohablantes se enumeran en una página separada.)
Listen to music for free with your library card!
Have questions? Read the Freegal FAQs.
Check out up to 20 films, TV episodes, music albums, eAudio, or eComics from Hoopla monthly and enjoy them on your computer, phone, tablet, or TV. Collections available in several languages, including español, 中文, and русский.
Hoopla offers subtitles for many of the movies and TV shows in its collection. Videos with subtitles available display a "CC" icon next to the title on the video's details page.
To activate subtitles, first start playing the video. Then, follow the steps listed below based on how you are watching:
On a computer
On an Android Device or Kindle Fire
On an iOS device
Stream independent films, documentaries, classic films, Great Courses, Milestone Films, world cinema, kids' educational programming, and kids' movies (with Common Sense Media ratings).
Some other things to know:
Kanopy also offers children's movies, shows, and educational programs through Kanopy Kids.
Watch a wide variety of arts & crafts classes taught by design experts. Find a project for every occasion.
Creativebug requires you to create an account that is a public profile. Here's how to avoid sharing your personal information.
Creativebug user profiles display First Name, Last Name, and Bio, and they will only display initials for first and last name.
If you want to use Creativebug while avoiding sharing personal information, you can completely customize all of those fields. For example, you could enter First Name as simply S, Last Name as S, and leave the Bio field blank.
Personal profile settings are managed via Access My Account in the menu in the upper right-hand corner of the Creativebug website once you've signed in to your account. These settings are not accessible via the Creativebug mobile app.
Common Sense Media is the leading source of age-based media reviews for families.
Stream local programming, view the daily schedule, or search the archives for a program you may have missed.