Why do I have two library cards in Libby?

If you have already verified your library card in Libby when prompted, you likely still have two visible "cards" attached to your Libby account. To avoid confusion and remove the duplicate due date information, please do the following:

  1. Close your app and re-open it.
  2. Tap the Libby face at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap where it lists how many cards you have, under "Your Libraries."
  4. You'll likely see two cards listed, one with a card number and one with some words like "FVRL Card" or "My Card" etc.
  5. On the card with the words, tap the "Actions" link.
  6. Choose "Remove Card" and complete the process.

When you go back, you should now only have one FVRL card listed--the one with the card number. If you look at your Loans shelf and tap the due date, you should see only a single due date/time listed.

Double due dates in Libby app Double cards in Libby appRemove the extra card in Libby app

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