For privacy reasons, FVRL doesn't keep track of the physical items you've checked out once they've been returned in good condition. The only records we keep in our system are for billed items.
On the other hand, if you have checked out digital books from OverDrive, you can find previously checked out titles in these locations:
- The "History" section of "My Account" in the OverDrive app or the FVRL OverDrive website
- The "timeline" section at the bottom of your shelf in the Libby app
We can help you identify previous checkouts
If you're looking for your checkout history because you're trying to remember the name or author of a book you checked out in the past, we're happy to work with you to figure it out—just contact us with as much as you can remember about the book. Anything about the book is useful:
- Author
- Characters
- Where and when it took place
- The plot—what happened?
- Publication date (even approximately)
- When you read it
- What the cover looked like
- Or anything else you can think of
Other ways to keep track of your checkouts
If you want to keep track of everything you read, we do have a feature in our catalog called "My Lists," which you can use when you're signed in to your library account. Find out how to use "My Lists."
You can also use sites like Goodreads and LibraryThing to keep track of your reading history.
Need more help? Please contact us!